An Intro to SQL and EVs
President Mwai Kibaki was a great leader. A man whose brilliant work ethic was seen during and after his leadership tenure. As a servant of our great nation he marshalled our country into a positive economic trajectory.
The past two weeks have been striking. I have engaged with so much content about Data analytics and Electric Vehicles.
‘Eeeh! you should check out Lucid motors… They might be the next Bentleys. Although their custom-build web feature isn’t up to game as compared to the dodge platform.
After a period of self analysis I chose to start with a combination of SQL and The motor of an EV. I dredged and found a particular course for SQL that is well structured and is the right content for a beginner. On the Evs I found two insightful contents on YouTube and a generalized article . The clip on YouTube gives an overview of what’s inside a Tesla’s motor.
- EV — Electric Vehicle
- SQL — Structured Query Language
Last week I covered content on Basic SQL. This is the first topic on the course. There are 7 lessons in this journey and they all build upon each other,…Cool Right! . The topic includes sql operations on a single table, sql syntax and key commands on filtering a table. The most interesting bit of this indoctrinate was the using (in, like, and and between, or and not) for singular table manipulation.
Jumping into the Evs, I took a look at the motor. It serves as the Engine of the Ev. In the clip, we see the motor as one of the components that make up the total weight of the Ev. There are several models/types of EVs, they include DC Series Motor, Brushless DC Motor, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM), Three Phase AC Induction Motors and Switched Reluctance Motors (SRM). On this journey I'll majorly write on the AC induction motor because it is widely used in electric vehicles.
Digressing a little, do you remember the Potato shortage in a particular global food supply chain and how they were selling Ugali instead. Well, I stumbled on a thread that broadened my mind on how global food supply chains acquire their produce. It’s worth your time.
The edge of Evs is here with us and it’s time you start learning and buying them. They are efficient and eco friendly.
Back to SQL, it is like the superman of Data analytics. From the little knowledge gathered, SQL is poised with a lot of abilities that make it look buffed up for Data. I am enjoying this process and eager to learn more.
See you next time.
It’s always a 2min Read.