Who is your Statue?
A few weeks back I came across a meme that gave three choices- $9billion, Your Mother and Jesus. You had to remove one. I left Jesus out. It was instinctual. It stirred a lot of questions about my faith and religion as a whole. I felt as though my spiritual compass was inadequate, no inadequate is not the word, I didn’t know where I stood. An atheist might argue differently. Our societies are built on these institutions of religion to provide a moral compass to society. I am still arguing with the questions about what I believe in, hopefully I’ll reach a decision about my beliefs.
Religion offers bits and clues of who we are, where we came from, and from whom. We have factions who try to proselytize individuals in different religions claiming superiority, but who is to prove one is true and the other is a façade…It’s often a battle of beliefs and the intangible rather than logic. My generation (the ’90s), these millennials are just a different breed — have the highest growing population of atheists with China having over 200million individuals in this faction. It looks freeing not to have a religious anchor to oneself.
Idols are interesting inventions by man. They are built in place of our belief systems and somewhat provide something to look up to in times of trial or distress and also be grateful for in times of great fortune. They have a relevant role to play regardless of what other religions pose to be true. In history, man has come up with versions that impose Godly characteristics to his creation. Always striving for something greater than self. Why are we always in this loop of search though? We have come so far in this search and still surging forward with new inventions that keep us wanting.
The abilities Technology offer now is more God-like than in any timeframe known to man, or is that our abilities to imagine and act in broader terms are limited? Who knows. Characteristics such as omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence have been tackled, ofcourse with regard to how we perceive information in our particular timeframe and galaxy. The gift of technology is one that has enabled us build remarkable devices that outperform us on some levels and yes I believe we are superior to any creation we make including Crispr babies.
The influence technology has on the majority of my generation and the subsequent younger confused generation is greatly observed in their constant need for these devices. The ratings affects the way people perceive the use of technology and most people just want more ratings. Which brings about outperformance in individual fields guided by tech. In a weirdly concerning manner, our lively hood will in future be controlled by these devices more so people who aren’t adept in using such devices.
We enjoy things we don’t understand. We try to make a pattern out of its mystery trying to discover what it’s about. I believe technology is cruising alongside our life source, religious beliefs, and Time. All have the same weird unsolvable entity to them. Catch what I did there? Pattern move.
Haha choose your god wisely or not I don’t care.